I am starting to think that every personal development book I read is my favorite J I recently started and am almost halfway through “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. (Go read the book) The idea behind it is that 5 seconds is the time it takes for you to talk yourself out of acting on a thought or idea you have. It can be anything from getting out of bed this morning to speaking up about your great idea in a meeting. Yesterday though she was talking about how easy it is to have the thoughts or intention to do something, but then actually acting on them is a totally different story and that FEELINGS are usually what get in the way. As soon as she said that it was like a light show going off in my head.
I get a lot of compliments about my commitment to being healthy and I really appreciate it because it helps keep me going. I also find it slightly coincidental that on the days I feel like giving up is when I tend to get them the most. I usually look at it as a sign from above to keep going. I don’t think what people realize is though is that I RARELY feel like getting out of bed to workout. Waking up at 430 in the morning sucks and I’d rather stay in my nice warm bed. I only SOMETIMES feel like working out. Usually I tell myself I am up anyways and I mind as well just go do it. Then getting through the actual workout is tough. I am always talking myself through the next set of lunges, squats, or pushups. Then this magical moment happens when I am done and stretching during the cooldown. I feel amazing that I just destroyed my workout. Then throughout the day I have more energy and am better focused. I totally forget about all the bullshit I went through to get to that point and am more productive throughout the day. Sure it’s “easier” to hit the snooze, but is it really easier to run around with your head in a fog all day because you are tired?
I also don’t always feel like eating healthy. If you put a salad or cookie in front of me I’d want to eat the cookie. Sometimes that’s what I end up doing too. Then I get the instant 30 seconds of gratification, but 30 mins later I am starving because my sugar spiked and I end up going and looking for more food. It always seems easier in the moment to give in and have just one cookie or one treat, but you know you are lying to yourself if you are going stop there. Then you give up and say, I’ll start over tomorrow or next Monday. I know next time I am faced with the choice It’s going to be 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1 then pick the healthy choice. I know in the long run that choice will help me with my overall goals of being fit and healthy. I also want to go on record saying that I have no intentions of being perfect. I think that sometimes going a little overboard helps keep your system guessing and can push you over plateaus.
So next time you think that living a healthy lifestyle is easy, just remember that feelings will always get in the way. One of the best way’s I’ve found to combat them is by joining a support group. I run online health and fitness accountability groups once a month and they are limited to 5 new people each round. If you want to reserve your spot in the next group send me a message now, fitmomnoexcuses@gmail.com and we’ll talk through where you are at and your goals. You only have 5 seconds before talking yourself out of it….
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