Does anyone really live in this fantasy world of “sleep when the baby sleeps” or “don’t clean the house, the mess can wait”?
Don’t get me wrong, there have been plenty of times that I’ve cuddled with my baby over cleaning, but let’s face it most of the time if we aren’t doing it then it doesn’t get done. That may be ok for like a day or two but once the crap starts building up it gets a little unbearable.
I’ve even hired someone to clean my house a few times a month and while that helps, there is still the day to day crap that builds up if you don’t take care of it. I am also pretty convinced that most men are totally oblivious to it (sorry guys!) I am also debating finding someone on that would clean and get groceries for me. The fact that I am even asking for that kind of helps makes me wonder if my priorities are in the right place. I have a great, albeit demanding job. After a 9 or 10 hour day the last thing I feel like doing is making dinner. This week I did a really good job of getting dinners prepped up ahead of time, along with getting done all the dishes that went with it. I also am working no more than 9 hours a day this week. Even though I feel better prepared for the week I still can’t help debate to myself if I am stretched too thin.
So ladies that seem to have all their shit together, how do you get it done? I am against hiring a nanny because I can’t justify paying someone to spend one on one time with my child. I do love that she goes to daycare and gets the social interaction as well as preschool activities. Do I suck it up and try and get everything done myself? Do I hire someone to help? Do I find a job that requires less hours and possibly lower pay so I have more time?
With baby #2 coming this May I feel like the burden is going to become too much when I go back to work, HELP!